Certified design

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Store Made Group s.r.l. is a company formed by construction and interior design specialists, available throughout Italy, offering certified design services.

The company's team of specialised designers stays up-to-date with all the industry advancements, ready to update themselves to be able to offer a flexible, cost-effective, and above all, turnkey service.

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Consultancy and sustainability services

Store Made can offer a wide range of consultancy and sustainability services.

  1. Sustainability Assessment: Store Made can conduct comprehensive assessments of the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of a project. This includes life cycle analysis, carbon footprint analysis, energy efficiency assessment, and identification of sustainable practices to adopt.
  2. Sustainable Planning and Design: Store Made can assist in developing plans and designs that integrate sustainability principles. This may include designing low-impact buildings, integrating renewable energy into infrastructure, planning sustainable transportation, and managing water resources.
  3. Certifications and Regulatory Compliance: Store Made can provide assistance in obtaining certifications and complying with environmental regulations. For example, they can help achieve LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification for green buildings or adhere to ISO environmental standards.
  4. Environmental Impact Assessment: Store Made can conduct Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) to evaluate the effects of a project on the surrounding environment. This may include analysing impacts on ecosystems, air and water quality, as well as land use.
  5. Energy Efficiency Improvement: Store Made can offer consultancy to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and industrial processes. They can identify energy-saving opportunities, recommend efficient technologies, and support the implementation of sustainable energy solutions.
  • certified building design

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Do you want to rely on professionals in certified design for functional and eco-friendly interiors? Contact our headquarters now.

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